DEANS® - Out and About - California H2 Grand Prix


We were Out and About again.  This time it was for the California Hydrogen Grand Prix.  This competition is geared for high school and college students alike, with some additional categories for middle and elementary school.  We supported our local High School with tips and of course with the Deans® Ultra Plug®.  They did well.  They received the Energy Efficiency award.  

What makes this competition interesting is that the teams need to change out the H2 source up to 15 times and the battery at least 2 times.  Yes, 16 H2 cannisters and 3 batteries total.  The goal is to get the most laps, and do not run out of H2.  See the link for how the race started.

Race start link:

Competition link:

H2 Grand prix California 2023/2024 H2GP Season Begins!

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